Waiting is not something most humans excel at. Whether it's waiting in line at a fuel station, a bank, an embassy, or a registration center, waiting is a daunting task for many because our human nature craves speedy results.
In a fast-paced world where people seek quick methods and immediate outcomes, there is a temptation to approach our relationship with God in the same manner. However, God operates according to His own timing. His word says He makes all things beautiful in His time. In Isaiah 30:7, it says, "For the Egyptians shall help in vain and to no purpose. Therefore, I have cried concerning this: their strength is to sit still." God wanted them to adopt a waiting and confident position of faith, assured of His deliverance, but they couldn't be still and sought help from Egypt.
If God does not help, who can? The scriptures remind us that the help of man is in vain. Many think waiting impedes speed, but in reality, waiting is what gives speed. Those who wait upon the Lord will mount up with wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not faint.